Supporting our Brothers & Sisters affected by War

We have all been made painfully aware of the desperate situation in Ukraine. Russian troops are making their way into their innocent neighbour’s county, mounting an unjustified and illegal war instigated by Russia’s long-time leader, Vladimir Putin.

The images beaming around the world currently by the media of cities and airports being obliterated or taken under control, of innocent lives being lost, and stories of families being torn apart as some flee to safety and others stay to fight, either by choice or by force are heart breaking.

A personal friend of mine has told me stories of 15 mile queues at borders with people trying to flee. Of wives, mothers and daughters staying behind to be with husbands, sons and brothers who are government mandated to stay and fight. We have all heard the stories of the public being advised to arm up with Molotov Cocktails to defend Ukraine’s cities.

Our hearts and sympathies go out to Ukraine and all of its people.

Dove of peace made out of the Ukraine flag - blue and yellow

There are however struggles with this war on both sides of the conflict. Many Russian nationals do not believe in this invasion.  I have spoken with a number of people in the last few days in Russia, who tell stories of being punished for voicing protest against their tyrannical leader. Freedom of speech, freedom of choice and action are being denied to them. The overriding feeling I get is that the Russian masses feel a bond with Ukrainians and are as shocked and devastated as the rest of the world by what is unfolding


Russian friend of Global Pathways


As a business that has a focus on helping people move geographically, we have had instances in the past of assisting those who are not in the best suited environment for themselves. The day Trump was elected, we heard from record numbers of Americans. We have worked hard to help people who are being made victim of racism or sexism.

These individual stories were harrowing enough. However, this is the first time I have felt such a need to help people move en masse due to horrific safety issues and risk to life.

We can and will contribute in our small way to see whether we can assist people on both sides of this war to get to a location of safety. To get to a position of comfort, surety and somewhere the can rest their heads at night without fear of whether they will be attacked in their sleep.

My colleagues and I welcome contact from our comrades in Ukraine and in Russia who want to live in a different political climate. If there is any way in which we can assist, please let us know.  

In addition, if you or others feel like they would like to help, this is a great resource for ways we can all make a difference. You can choose a way that means something to you to help out our fellow human beings.


Safe Spaces


Diversity - A personal view