Starting a New Career in a New World…

New career ahead road signs

So, for the weekly watchers of Rick’s Blog……he is on holiday for his Birthday, therefore, I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Lewis, I also work at Global Pathways as a recruiter.

When Rick messaged me last week asking if I wanted to write his blog while he was away, I said “yes of course!” This was shortly followed by a flood of anxiety because, if I’m being honest, I had no clue what on earth I would actually write.

Lo and behold, we are here.

Today’s blog is about starting a career in a new place which is something I’ve recently experienced myself.  I know, I know a recruiter telling you about jobs but wait…..before I started this wild ride my previous career was as a signed artist.  I toured the world, have millions of streams on Spotify and a bucket load of experience in the music industry.  Why the move?  TIME was a big reason.  After spending 10 years in music, you see the world differently from when you started out.

100% musicophile

What I LOVE about music is that any song by any artist could be someone’s (or a lot of people’s) favourite song.  It could be their lifeline, their link to a favourite memory or as Rick is probably doing right now on holiday - the song that they dance on tables to in nightclubs.

Now in the new world of streaming, I can continue my passion for music and keep making these songs people can connect with.  I also know that many elements of my skillset are transferable - you can see in this blog that I love a blabber!  I also love connecting with people and I’m able to tell and hear stories.

When I told my friends I wanted to branch out in life, they automatically told me I should do something where I continue to help people.

I opened my LinkedIn and searched for roles for days / weeks / months like most of us do when facing an existential crisis.  Who is Lewis?  What does he want to be?  I reached out to my friend Fern, a recruiter because she’s lovely and great at chatting to people.  I thought she might be able to help me, maybe?

Fern did indeed help, “You should do my job,” she said.  I thought nothing of it until I applied for a few jobs and the response was so positive.  Interviews and offers came but the company that stole my heart is where I am now.  The reason? I could tell that Rick, whilst wanting to make money like all businesses need to, really believed in helping people. 

New niche

In the last 6 months, I’ve listened to so many who work in finance but are looking to move internationally. They have amazing skillsets but want to work in a different country. We talk, we laugh, we share stories and it’s amazing - I love it!

The best feeling is giving someone a call and telling them they’ve got an interview or an offer and hearing how happy they are.

If you asked me 5 years ago what I thought my job would be I would NEVER have said ‘Recruiter’ and I certainly wouldn’t have predicted that I’d absolutely love it.

With that said, I want to end this blog with a question or 3…

  • Did you imagine you would be where you are right now?

  • Do you give yourself enough credit for what you’ve achieved?

  • Lastly, if you feel unhappy, a little stuck or need a change in country or career much like I did, what can you do to change that?


Lewis Mokler


Special guest blogger


Special guest blogger ~*~

Lewis Mokler

Global Pathways Recruiter


What scares you the most?


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