Bucket List (Things I want to do and see while I still can)

Picture of someone wearing blue jeans and a bright yellow top doing a bungee jump with their arms outstretched

The idea of a bucket list is far from a new one. Things one wants to do before one ‘Kicks the Bucket’ – an archaic slang term for one’s demise.

I once made a ’40 things to do before I am 40’ list but promptly forgot about it and have missed that steam train by a country mile. The only thing I managed to tick off from that list was bungee jumping, which I did in Queensland in Australia, and I must confess, I hated it.

As life goes on, some of us get more aches and pains and less able to climb mountains/jump out of aircraft. So now, comfortably into my mid 40s, I had given up on the idea of setting up a new list.

Little coloured buckets (yellow, purple and turquoise) with strips of brown paper in them containing bucket list items

I was out at dinner on Friday and one of my best mates proffered the conversational divergence of a new bucket list. I reminded her of my failed attempt at this many years ago, and highlighted the issue that I am too easily distracted to focus on a goal for too long. However, she suggested that we each make a list of 20 things we would like to do, and then compare lists. Anything that we each have in common, she will galvanise into action and make them happen!  


I thought about messaging her directly with this but whilst I was thinking what I could write about in this week’s blog it occurred to me that I could double up!

So – Georgie – this is for you! 😊

  1. Fly in a hot air balloon – this one springs to mind first as I was just talking about it last night with my other half, Andrew. A lifelong dream and about as high-octane an adventure sport as I could handle these days.

  2. Volunteer in a dog/animal rescue centre – I wanted to be a vet as a kid until I realised I couldn’t handle the blood side of things. Quite the drawback. However, I would love to support animals that need some help. Maybe Battersea Dogs Home (up the road from my home in London) would have me!

  3. Stay in the Presidential Suite of the Hilton Bora Bora – this has been a decades-long dream. The most beautiful accommodation I have ever seen. (Although I was just informed that the Kardashians stayed there. I may have gone off it now).

  4. Appear in a Kylie Minogue music video – I have been a fan since I was a kid and always wanted to be her backing dancer. I feel that window may have passed me by so I would settle for being an extra in one of her videos!

  5. Live somewhere new – I have already lived in London and Sydney. I want to find a third place to call home!

  6. Master a second language – I had a natural ability for languages in my youth and spoke quite good French, German, some Portuguese and Spanish. But I have never been fluent and I would love to find the time. Maybe this can tie in with Point 5

7. Work with rescue animals overseas – maybe with orangutans in Borneo or turtles in the Maldives.

8. Hug a happy elephant – one that is not in captivity. Maybe in the rescue centres in Thailand that rehabilitate captive elephants.

9. See giraffes in the wild – a safari adventure is in my future I feel.

10. Swim in a sea or ocean I have not swum in before – I have been in the Caribbean, the Atlantic, the Aegean/Mediterranean, The South China sea and the Coral Sea off the Australian Pacific Coast. Next? The Indian Ocean maybe?

11. Visit Japan in the cherry blossom Spring season – what a beautiful sight that would be to behold!

12. Own a business with ten employees – currently, we are at five and I don’t want us to get huge but I do love managing people and this business so I think that would be a reasonable goal. I also want to open a second office in Australia.

13. Get fit and flexible – I have spent my life oscillating between being fairly slim and fit and then eating for England. I miss running and doing yoga. So…..now is the time to change this one!

14. Be debt free – I have been in some form of financial debt for the last almost 30 years so I am hoping that within a year, both me and my business will be completely in the black.

15. Be involved in a front-page scandal – an old wish from my youth again. I always wanted to have some form of involvement in a salacious scandal.

16. Learn to drive – not one I am 100% behind – having lived in cities all my life I have never felt the need – but this year I am moving to the countryside for the first time ever. So….is it time?

17. Own my home – a serial renter, this has long been a goal but London prices are difficult for first-time buyers. So, this could be a reality once I have ticked off nos. 14 and 16.

18. Ride a jet ski – an easy one to tick off but I have somehow never gotten around to it yet!

19. Get a Pegasus/Unicorn tattoo – I already have a dragon and a demon and I love unicorns so this seems like a themed next addition to the family.

20. See Niagara, Victoria or Angel Falls. All are breath-taking in pictures and I can only imagine they would be mind-blowing in reality.

So in the spirit of Carpe Diem – I am putting this out to the universe in some form of commitment!

What’s on your list? Let me know in the comments below and I will see if I can amend or increase the list as it stands!

Have a great week all!


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Seize the day ~*~


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